Learn the conjugation rules of verbs in Moroccan Arabic (Darija) with clear and simple examples.
Conjugation Guide
In Moroccan Arabic (Darija), verb conjugation follows certain specific rules. Here is a quick guide on how to conjugate verbs in different tenses and persons:
The present tense in Moroccan Arabic is formed by adding specific prefixes to the verb root. For example:
أنا (I): kan- + verb root (kanakol)
أنتَ/أنتِ (You): kat- + verb root (katakol)
هو/هي (He/She): ya- + verb root (yakol)
نحن (We): kan- + verb root + ou (kanaklou)
أنتم (You): kat- + verb root + ou (kataklou)
هم (They): ya- + verb root + ou (yaklou)
The past tense is formed by modifying the verb root and adding specific suffixes. For example:
أنا (I): akolt (أكلتُ)
أنتَ/أنتِ (You): akolti (أكلتَ/أكلتِ)
هو (He): akol (أكل)
هي (She): aklat (أكلت)
نحن (We): akolna (أكلنا)
أنتم (You): akoltu (أكلتم)
هم (They): aklou (أكلوا)
The future tense is formed by adding the prefix "gadi" (غادي) followed by the verb in its base form. For example: